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About Us

Guaranteed Karma

The Future of Volunteerism, Unlocking Opportunities, Maximizing Impact

Our Mission

Despite historic interest in giving back, the process of finding suitable opportunities has remained fragmented, inefficient, and unincentivized, until now.

Our gamified volunteer platform plans on changing that.


Our intuitive platform matches users with personalized volunteer opportunities based on their interests, skills, and location.


Users earn Karma Points for each hour volunteered, unlocking exclusive rewards and recognition from local businesses.


Our technology enhances the impact of volunteerism by promoting civic engagement and strengthening community bonds.

Our Platform

Screenshot of the Guaranteed Karma app.


Find Volunteer Opportunities

Browse through comprehensive listings from nonprofits and organizations, filtered by location, cause, and time to find your perfect fit.


Track Your Impact

Volunteer hours are logged seamlessly, with real-time updates on your impact. Access detailed reports on hours contributed and their value.


Earn Rewards

Receive discounts, exclusive partner offers, and more for your contributions. Redeem your rewards for perks like free meals, merchandise and experiences.


Build Community

Connect with a network of like-minded individuals to share experiences, nurture relationships, and foster a sense of belonging and purpose within the community.

Meet The Team

Dustin Kendrick

My name is Dustin Kendrick and I’m a Chicagoan who largely believes that what you give to the universe you will receive back. Unfortunately, the universe is busy and takes its time in reciprocating that same energy. Guaranteed Karma was developed to create a program that provides you with local rewards immediately after you’ve selflessly given to others. Helping the community and local business is a priceless attribute that will bring us all together.

Find Opportunities

Volunteer + Connect

Get Rewards

“A little step may be the beginning of a great journey.” – Unknown